Friday, 21 December 2007

Ravelry Ate Me!

What can i do? I've been neglecting the blog. Ah well, the priveledged can see what i've been up to at

At least i've taken some photos of recent work...

Indigo dyed bamboo yarn:

Quant made from Anchor Magicline:

First pentagon of Doddy made with 70% Bamboo/30% cotton yarn

Sock... um... heh!

1/2 of EZ's rib warmer. Front is at left, armhole in middle, back at right.

EZ's Surplice Baby Jacket

Some kumihimo braid made from perle cotton. Note to self, two strands is the worst possible number for braiding cos when they twist and cross over its not smooth and circular. Argh. Here's what i use to braid.

That'll do for now... Oh yeah i'm off to the beach again this year for christmas and january and i'm heading to Confest for NYE. Spring Shawl Surprise is starting Jan 1, i'm looking forward to that. I need to pick a yarn and work a swatch. Dunno when with all the xmas kerfuffle.

Also i have some Yarn on the way from Bendigo and some Patterns and a signed book from White Lies Designs (drool.) The plan is to make the One Piece Wonder, Joan reckons it'll work. We'll see... She's posting some large cup size patterns on the yahoo group so i can make it fit me.

Oh yeah Joan McGowan Michael named a pattern after me! At least i'm claiming that she did.
Its super pretty too. I immediately ordered it of course. Oh, i have to put up a photo. Everyone buy Joan's stuff ok?

Buy This Pattern!

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